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Abandoned sugar cane factory of Pierrefonds Around the factory

Last month I had the chance to travel around La Reunion, a French island in the Indian ocean. Sugar Cane is a major activity there and you can see hundreds ruins of sugar cane factory all around the island. I got the chance to visit some of them: here is the sugar cane factory of Pierrefonds, on the south west coast.The first factory was built around 1830, it changed ownership in 1860, and thanks to technical improvement in the sugar cane processing kept changing and growing until it was finally shut down in 1970. All the sugar cane related activity moved to a more modern factory nearby.The facade is surprisingly detailed for a factory.The 2 rusted old cranes, were used in the time to unload the sugar cane from trucks.

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[2014-12-14] jq2Zy7xN :

That's really thiinnkg at a high level